A lot of great adventures need to get blogged! So here goes--
Piano lesson for Marina. She speaks Spanish, I speak poquito, but somehow we make it through. We both enjoy the interaction and as usual Carl loves to take pictures. What is that little black thing on the blouse? Good grief! He did it again.... more videotaping when I wasn't aware!
RS Work meeting. Packets for the Women's Crisis Center.
Can you believe our good husbands with needle and thread.

Our next opportunity was to go with a local school class to see the ways high school students could support the environment. Here Moti is demonstrating how barn owls are able to keep down the rodent population by being housed close to an area where pesticides, rodenticides, insecticides have been stopped so that natural predators can take care of need. Carl, of course, on the camera to record so that it can be used by students to put together data as part of their experience. We are listening to an instructor on the moshav discussing why rotating groups, using fish ponds, avoiding pesticides, developing new businesses is just good business.
Last day of choir before vacation starts. I tried to teach "Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree." They love the actions, but oh, those English words.L
This was a record day. We welcomed another branch and tour group along with our regular attenders. Every single chair was taken upstairs and down.
The weekend ended with an invitation to hear the University of Utah Singers perform in a marvelous church with fabulous acoustics. As our courtship began in the University of Utah A'capella choir, we knew we HAD to attend and we were glad we did.
Next episode: Arrival of M and C
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