Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Haifa Group

The Galilee Branch has a twig and we call it the Haifa Group.  When we arrived in Israel, Merrill and Nanette Beckstead had been nurturing some Filipina sisters they came across while Merrill was working at the Technion.  Merrill is a rocket scientist—really, he is.  Nanette is a master at nurturing all she comes in contact with.  They had so much fun being in Israel, they wondered if it would be possible to be there as service volunteers.  They found a way and ultimately spent two years in Haifa nurturing this small group of Filipina sisters and one lone brother who later moved to Tel Aviv.  The Beckstead’s completed their work in November 2010 and since then we have been nurturing the Haifa Group.  We look forward to it every week, even though our Sabbath day begins at 7 am and ends at 10 pm.  We welcome the Galilee Branch in Tiberias at 9:30 am.  Melanie teaches a Spanish/English session for 10 minutes before church meetings start. (Half of our Branch is Spanish).  She is trying to learn Spanish and they are learning English.  We have a regular 3-hour block of church meetings, then a snack time before they board the van home to Nazareth.  We grab a sandwich and lie down to rest for about 45 minutes.  Yes! We actually lie down and rest because then we get up and drive an hour to Haifa to pick up the Filipinas and have 90 minutes of meetings, then deliver them to their employers and drive on back to Tiberias.  Sometimes we think we are too old to do this, but we are being blessed and look forward to their excitement about being together and sharing ideas about the gospel.

The Filipinas we know are LDS and are mothers who have come to Israel as full-time caregivers to elderly Israeli’s some of whom are Holocaust survivors.   The economic situation in the Phillipines is very dire and to educate their children and give them a better life, the mothers choose to come for 5 years.  They earn money that they send back to their families in the Phillipines.  It is our understanding that they are to be allowed 1 day off a week, however, we never see them get that on a regular basis.  They are at the beck and call of elderly people who are sometimes very frightened of being alone and who don’t like new caregivers who serve as relievers for the regular caregivers.  The Filipina sisters long to have the influence of the church in their lives as they have been very active in their native lands so it has been wonderful to see them enjoy preparing lessons and saying prayers.  In the past they were too shy to participate, but are now in full swing of teaching and learning.  Especially sweet is how grateful they are about partaking of the Sacrament.  Another of their favorite things is talking to their family over SKYPE.  There are usually challenges with that, however, like computers that don’t work or too weak a band-width to receive, or not enough money to pay for a internet service.  As they speak of their difficulties with daily challenges of meeting the needs of their employers, their concern about their families in their absence, the little money that they get which might be going to where they want it to, it wrenches our hearts to know of the huge sacrifices they are making.

However, we are all taking joy in our being together.  We have a wonderful spot to meet.  It is a conference room in the Old Colony Hotel in the Germantown part of Haifa.  It has been converted from an old meat locker in the basement of the building.  Sounds funny, but it is very comfortable.  And history repeats itself.  It is right in front of the original building that was a mission home in the 1880’s.  More about that another time.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Goodwins Came to Visit

My January blues of missing all of you have been broken up by the visit of our friends, Bob and Linda Goodwin.  We worked together at BYU Hawaii in the early 70’s and have been in contact through the years even though they stayed in Hawaii and we moved around here and there.  It has really been a boon to have them come.

It took them a lot to get here.  Twelve years ago Bob and Linda prepared a special place in their home for Linda’s Mom and Dad to stay with them.   Her Dad died about 6 years ago and her Mom has needed daily attention since then.  Bob and Linda have stayed pretty close to home since then.   Bob wrote to us saying Linda was in need of a break this Christmas season.  We, of course, invited them to come and see us.  They began planning to come in early January.  They had arranged for Linda’s Mom to stay in a care center while they were away.  On the day they were to take her in, she passed away.  There is a lot more to the story, but ultimately they were able to be postpone the trip so they could come after the funeral.  They had the most horrible flight experience we ever heard--eleven hour delay for numerous reasons and we were waiting at airport for them.  They were pretty shaken up by the time we connected with them.

Bob and Linda built a home in Hawaii in the 70’s when it was unheard of because of the high cost of land and materials.  They said they built it on faith and prayer.  Later, Bob went on to help, to some extent, each of their children remodel a home or build one for their families.  Woodworking has been a really big part of his life.  He has made some beautiful furniture for their own home that are exquisite.  Consequently, he wanted to check out some woodworking here in Israel.  One of our adventures was to take him to a shop where he could select some wood to take home.

Our next woodworking adventure was to take them to a carver of olive wood.  It was late in the day and I wondered if the shops would be open.  We headed for Omar’s.  As we turned the corner we could see that the shop was closed.  When we were about to turn around and go back, we hear a voice saying.  “ Welcome, my friends, welcome.” Omar was coming up the street with open arms.  He opened his shop and proceeded to show his work.   This is Omar.

Linda was looking for a three-figure piece of the Holy Family to take home.  She looked in other stores but hadn’t found what she wanted.  Well, Omar seeing a very discerning lady pulled out this masterpiece and said,  “This is the first one I have ever done of this type.  It took me 2000 hours.  I’ve worked on this for a year.  My next one will take less time because now I know what I want.” He showed us the different grains in the wood and how he had worked into it their clothing.  Bob immediately wanted to buy it for Linda, but Linda wasn’t quite ready to commit.  Omar ordered some schwarma for us and he told us the story of his conversion to the church, the threats on his life and his need to save his life by forsaking the church.  And yet he is constantly carving the figures that speak of the restoration.  Ultimately, the Goodwins purchased the sculpture and 6 other small nativities for their children.

We then headed home ….Linda cooked us a chicken curry meal using the mix that she bought in Provo and brought with her.  

What a great way to end a day; we all play and she cooks!