We wanted to help us all get a feel for the great scope of time represented in the places that we visited so we constructed a timeline based on what we learned from our good friend, Adrian Escalante, in our Pleasant Grove Sunday School class. Try it yourself.
Take a long paper fold it in half- lengthwise. Draw a long timeline across the lengthwise fold. On the left side, put the name Adam and the right side put the name of the last prophet of the Old Testament--that would be ....Malachi. Under Adam's name write 4000 BC under Malachi write 100 BC. Now fold it in half widthwise and right the name of Abraham and underneath his name write 2000 BC. Fold it again widthwise and you get spots for 3000 BC for Noah and 1000 BC for Solomon. You realize, of course, these dates are approximate, but it helps to see the scope of the Old Testament. It should look like this:
-I--------------l------Flood, Babel----l---------Moses---l--------------l-------
4000 BC 3000 BC 2000 BC 1000 BC
It is also interesting to note that the book of Genesis covered about 2500 years of history. The Old Testament Times at a Glance chart is a great resource. It divides the books of the Bible into two categories: Historical and Prophetic. In the historical category the books Exodus, Numbers, Joshua, Judges take up about 300 years. The next category is Ruth-100 years. 1 Sam about 110 years, 2 Sam and 1 Chronicles about 30 years, 1st Kings and 2nd Chronicles about 250 years, 2nd Kings about 175 years, then Books Ezra, Esther, and Nehemiah about 75 years. Check out the prophetic books on your own. Mind you now, this is just the Old Testament history. We also need to consider the New Testament history, but I'll save that for another episode.
This discussion was relevant for all of us because during the week we had an opportunity to visit Tel Dan in Northern Galilee where we saw what is called Abraham's gate which would be about 4000 years old. This is where Abraham came to save his nephew Lot who had been taken captive by the Caananites. He did save him and all his possessions. It is probably the oldest thing we have seen to date, but we haven't been to Jericho yet which is said to be the oldest continually inhabited city in the world.
This is the day we went to the Mt. of Beatitudes for our Branch Fast and Testimony Meeting during which Nikaia was confirmed. Glory, Logan and Nikaia were able to bear their testimonies and it was a beautiful experience. Of course, there were a number of challenges of the day like being shuttled out of the spot so the next group could come in and in our rush leaving our suitcase with sacrament trays and hymnbooks there. So there were a number of tensions we dealt with, but learned some great lessons about the Sermon on the Mount as we sorted out our feelings during the coming week.